pytesmo package


pytesmo.df_metrics module

Module contains wrappers for methods in pytesmo.metrics which can be given pandas.DataFrames instead of single numpy.arrays . If the DataFrame has more columns than the function has input parameters the function will be applied pairwise

Created on Aug 14, 2013

@author: Christoph Paulik

exception pytesmo.df_metrics.DataFrameDimensionError[source]

Bases: Exception


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.


Redidual sum of squares

Returns:result – with column names of df for which the calculation was done as name of the element separated by ‘_and_’
Return type:namedtuple


Returns:bias – of shape (len(df.columns),len(df.columns))
Return type:pandas.Dataframe

Wrapper for scipy.stats.kendalltau

Returns:result – with column names of df for which the calculation was done as name of the element separated by ‘_and_’
Return type:namedtuple

Mean square error (MSE) as a decomposition of the RMSD into individual error components

Returns:result – with column names of df for which the calculation was done as name of the element separated by ‘_and_’
Return type:namedtuple

Nash Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient

Returns:result – with column names of df for which the calculation was done as name of the element separated by ‘_and_’
Return type:namedtuple

Normalized root-mean-square deviation

Returns:result – with column names of df for which the calculation was done as name of the element separated by ‘_and_’
Return type:namedtuple
pytesmo.df_metrics.pairwise_apply(df, method, comm=False)[source]

Compute given method pairwise for all columns, excluding NA/null values

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – input data, method will be applied to each column pair
  • method (function) – method to apply to each column pair. has to take 2 input arguments of type numpy.array and return one value or tuple of values


Return type:



Wrapper for scipy.stats.pearsonr

Returns:result – with column names of df for which the calculation was done as name of the element separated by ‘_and_’
Return type:namedtuple

Root-mean-square deviation

Returns:result – with column names of df for which the calculation was done as name of the element separated by ‘_and_’
Return type:namedtuple

Wrapper for scipy.stats.spearmanr

Returns:result – with column names of df for which the calculation was done as name of the element separated by ‘_and_’
Return type:namedtuple

See also

pytesmo.metrics.spearmenr(), scipy.stats.spearmenr()


Triple collocation error estimate In this case df has to have exactly 3 columns, since triple wise application of a function is not yet implemented and would probably return a complicated structure

Returns:result – with column names of df
Return type:namedtuple

Unbiased root-mean-square deviation

Returns:result – with column names of df for which the calculation was done as name of the element separated by ‘_and_’
Return type:namedtuple

pytesmo.metrics module

pytesmo.metrics.RSS(o, p)[source]

Residual sum of squares.


res – Residual sum of squares.

Return type:


pytesmo.metrics.aad(o, p)[source]

Average (=mean) absolute deviation (AAD).


d – Mean absolute deviation.

Return type:


pytesmo.metrics.bias(o, p)[source]

Difference of the mean values.


bias – Bias between observations and predictions.

Return type:


pytesmo.metrics.check_if_biased(combs, correlated)[source]

Supporting function for extended collocation Checks whether the estimators are biased by checking of not too manny data sets (are assumed to have cross-correlated errors)

pytesmo.metrics.ecol(data, correlated=None, err_cov=None, abs_est=True)[source]
Extended collocation analysis to obtain estimates of:
  • signal variances
  • error variances
  • signal-to-noise ratios [dB]
  • error cross-covariances (and -correlations)

based on an arbitrary number of N>3 data sets.


  • data (pd.DataFrame) – Temporally matched input data sets in each column
  • correlated (tuple of tuples (string)) – A tuple containing tuples of data set names (column names), between which the error cross-correlation shall be estimated. e.g. [[‘AMSR-E’,’SMOS’],[‘GLDAS’,’ERA’]] estimates error cross-correlations between (AMSR-E and SMOS), and (GLDAS and ERA), respectively.
  • err_cov – A priori known error cross-covariances that shall be included in the estimation (to obtain unbiased estimates)
  • abs_est – Force absolute values for signal and error variance estimates (to mitiate the issue of estimation uncertainties)

  • A dictionary with the following entries (<name> correspond to data set (df column’s) names
  • - sig_<name> (signal variance of <name>)
  • - err_<name> (error variance of <name>)
  • - snr_<name> (SNR (in dB) of <name>)
  • - err_cov_<name1>_<name2> (error covariance between <name1> and <name2>)
  • - err_corr_<name1>_<name2> (error correlation between <name1> and <name2>)


Rescaling parameters can be derived from the signal variances e.g., scaling <src> against <ref>: beta = np.sqrt(sig_<ref> / sig_<src>) rescaled = (data[<src>] - data[<src>].mean()) * beta + data[<ref>].mean()


[Gruber2016]Gruber, A., Su, C. H., Crow, W. T., Zwieback, S., Dorigo, W. A., & Wagner, W. (2016). Estimating error

cross-correlations in soil moisture data sets using extended collocation analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121(3), 1208-1219.

pytesmo.metrics.index_of_agreement(o, p)[source]

Index of agreement was proposed by Willmot (1981), to overcome the insenstivity of Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency E and R^2 to differences in the observed and predicted means and variances (Legates and McCabe, 1999). The index of agreement represents the ratio of the mean square error and the potential error (Willmot, 1984). The potential error in the denominator represents the largest value that the squared difference of each pair can attain. The range of d is similar to that of R^2 and lies between 0 (no correlation) and 1 (perfect fit).


d – Index of agreement.

Return type:


pytesmo.metrics.kendalltau(o, p)[source]

Wrapper for scipy.stats.kendalltau


  • Kendall’s tau (float) – The tau statistic
  • p-value (float) – The two-sided p-palue for a hypothesis test whose null hypothesis is an absence of association, tau = 0.

pytesmo.metrics.mad(o, p)[source]

Median absolute deviation (MAD).


d – Median absolute deviation.

Return type:


pytesmo.metrics.mse(o, p, ddof=0)[source]

Mean square error (MSE) as a decomposition of the RMSD into individual error components. The MSE is the second moment (about the origin) of the error, and thus incorporates both the variance of the estimator and its bias. For an unbiased estimator, the MSE is the variance of the estimator. Like the variance, MSE has the same units of measurement as the square of the quantity being estimated. The delta degree of freedom keyword (ddof) can be used to correct for the case the true variance is unknown and estimated from the population. Concretely, the naive sample variance estimator sums the squared deviations and divides by n, which is biased. Dividing instead by n - 1 yields an unbiased estimator.

  • o (numpy.ndarray) – Observations.
  • p (numpy.ndarray) – Predictions.
  • ddof (int, optional) – Delta degree of freedom.The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. By default ddof is zero.

  • mse (float) – Mean square error (MSE).
  • mse_corr (float) – Correlation component of MSE.
  • mse_bias (float) – Bias component of the MSE.
  • mse_var (float) – Variance component of the MSE.

pytesmo.metrics.nash_sutcliffe(o, p)[source]

Nash Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient E. The range of E lies between 1.0 (perfect fit) and -inf.


E – Nash Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient E.

Return type:


pytesmo.metrics.nrmsd(o, p, ddof=0)[source]

Normalized root-mean-square deviation (nRMSD).

  • o (numpy.ndarray) – Observations.
  • p (numpy.ndarray) – Predictions.
  • ddof (int, optional) – Delta degree of freedom.The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. By default ddof is zero.

nrmsd – Normalized root-mean-square deviation (nRMSD).

Return type:


pytesmo.metrics.pearson_conf(r, n, c=95)[source]

Calcalates the confidence interval of a given pearson correlation coefficient using a fisher z-transform, only valid for correlation coefficients calculated from a bivariate normal distribution

  • r (float or numpy.ndarray) – Correlation coefficient
  • n (int or numpy.ndarray) – Number of observations used in determining the correlation coefficient
  • c (float) – Level of confidence in percent, from 0-100.

  • r_lower (float or numpy.ndarray) – Lower confidence boundary.
  • r_upper (float or numpy.ndarray) – Upper confidence boundary.

pytesmo.metrics.pearsonr(o, p)[source]

Wrapper for scipy.stats.pearsonr. Calculates a Pearson correlation coefficient and the p-value for testing non-correlation.


  • r (float) – Pearson’s correlation coefficent.
  • p-value (float) – 2 tailed p-value.

pytesmo.metrics.pearsonr_recursive(x, y, n_old=0, sum_xi_yi=0, sum_xi=0, sum_yi=0, sum_x2=0, sum_y2=0)[source]

Calculate pearson correlation in a recursive manner based on

r_{xy} = \frac{n\sum x_iy_i-\sum x_i\sum y_i} {\sqrt{n\sum x_i^2-(\sum x_i)^2}~\sqrt{n\sum y_i^2-(\sum y_i)^2}}

  • x (numpy.ndarray) – New values for x
  • y (numpy.ndarray) – New values for y
  • n_old (float, optional) – number of observations from previous pass
  • sum_xi_yi (float, optional) –

    \sum x_iy_i

    from previous pass

  • sum_xi (float, optional) –

    \sum x_i

    from previous pass

  • sum_yi (float, optional) –

    \sum y_i

    from previous pass

  • sum_x2 (float, optional) –

    \sum x_i^2

    from previous pass

  • sum_y2 (float, optional) –

    \sum y_i^2

    from previous pass


  • r (float) – Pearson correlation coefficient
  • params (tuple) – tuple of (n_new, sum_xi_yi, sum_xi, sum_yi, sum_x2, sum_y2) . Can be used when calling the next iteration as *params.

pytesmo.metrics.rmsd(o, p, ddof=0)[source]

Root-mean-square deviation (RMSD). It is implemented for an unbiased estimator, which means the RMSD is the square root of the variance, also known as the standard error. The delta degree of freedom keyword (ddof) can be used to correct for the case the true variance is unknown and estimated from the population. Concretely, the naive sample variance estimator sums the squared deviations and divides by n, which is biased. Dividing instead by n -1 yields an unbiased estimator

  • o (numpy.ndarray) – Observations.
  • p (numpy.ndarray) – Predictions.
  • ddof (int, optional) – Delta degree of freedom.The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. By default ddof is zero.

rmsd – Root-mean-square deviation.

Return type:


pytesmo.metrics.spearmanr(o, p)[source]

Wrapper for scipy.stats.spearmanr. Calculates a Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient and the p-value to test for non-correlation.


  • rho (float) – Spearman correlation coefficient
  • p-value (float) – The two-sided p-value for a hypothesis test whose null hypothesis is that two sets of data are uncorrelated

See also


pytesmo.metrics.tcol_error(x, y, z)[source]

Triple collocation error estimate of three calibrated/scaled datasets.


  • e_x (float) – Triple collocation error for x.
  • e_y (float) – Triple collocation error for y.
  • e_z (float) – Triple collocation error for z.


This function estimates the triple collocation error based on already scaled/calibrated input data. It follows formula 4 given in [Scipal2008].

\sigma_{\varepsilon_x}^2 = \langle (x-y)(x-z) \rangle

\sigma_{\varepsilon_y}^2 = \langle (y-x)(y-z) \rangle

\sigma_{\varepsilon_z}^2 = \langle (z-x)(z-y) \rangle

where the \langle\rangle brackets mean the temporal mean.


[Scipal2008]Scipal, K., Holmes, T., De Jeu, R., Naeimi, V., & Wagner, W. (2008). A possible solution for the problem of estimating the error structure of global soil moisture data sets. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(24), .
pytesmo.metrics.tcol_snr(x, y, z, ref_ind=0)[source]

triple collocation based estimation of signal-to-noise ratio, absolute errors, and rescaling coefficients

  • x (1D numpy.ndarray) – first input dataset
  • y (1D numpy.ndarray) – second input dataset
  • z (1D numpy.ndarray) – third input dataset
  • ref_ind (int) – index of reference data set for estimating scaling coefficients. default: 0 (x)

  • snr (numpy.ndarray) – signal-to-noise (variance) ratio [dB]
  • err_std (numpy.ndarray) – SCALED error standard deviation
  • beta (numpy.ndarray) – scaling coefficients (i_scaled = i * beta_i)


This function estimates the triple collocation errors, the scaling parameter \beta and the signal to noise ratio directly from the covariances of the dataset. For a general overview and how this function and pytesmo.metrics.tcol_error() are related please see [Gruber2015].

Estimation of the error variances from the covariances of the datasets (e.g. \sigma_{XY} for the covariance between x and y) is done using the following formula:

\sigma_{\varepsilon_x}^2 = \sigma_{X}^2 - \frac{\sigma_{XY}\sigma_{XZ}}{\sigma_{YZ}}

\sigma_{\varepsilon_y}^2 = \sigma_{Y}^2 - \frac{\sigma_{YX}\sigma_{YZ}}{\sigma_{XZ}}

\sigma_{\varepsilon_z}^2 = \sigma_{Z}^2 - \frac{\sigma_{ZY}\sigma_{ZX}}{\sigma_{YX}}

\beta can also be estimated from the covariances:

\beta_x = 1

\beta_y = \frac{\sigma_{XZ}}{\sigma_{YZ}}


The signal to noise ratio (SNR) is also calculated from the variances and covariances:

\text{SNR}_X[dB] = -10\log\left(\frac{\sigma_{X}^2\sigma_{YZ}}{\sigma_{XY}\sigma_{XZ}}-1\right)

\text{SNR}_Y[dB] = -10\log\left(\frac{\sigma_{Y}^2\sigma_{XZ}}{\sigma_{YX}\sigma_{YZ}}-1\right)

\text{SNR}_Z[dB] = -10\log\left(\frac{\sigma_{Z}^2\sigma_{XY}}{\sigma_{ZX}\sigma_{ZY}}-1\right)

It is given in dB to make it symmetric around zero. If the value is zero it means that the signal variance and the noise variance are equal. +3dB means that the signal variance is twice as high as the noise variance.


[Gruber2015]Gruber, A., Su, C., Zwieback, S., Crow, W., Dorigo, W., Wagner, W. (2015). Recent advances in (soil moisture) triple collocation analysis. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, in review
pytesmo.metrics.ubrmsd(o, p, ddof=0)[source]

Unbiased root-mean-square deviation (uRMSD).

  • o (numpy.ndarray) – Observations.
  • p (numpy.ndarray) – Predictions.
  • ddof (int, optional) – Delta degree of freedom.The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. By default ddof is zero.

urmsd – Unbiased root-mean-square deviation (uRMSD).

Return type:


pytesmo.scaling module

Created on Apr 17, 2013

@author: Christoph Paulik

pytesmo.scaling.add_scaled(df, method='linreg', label_in=None, label_scale=None)[source]

takes a dataframe and appends a scaled time series to it. If no labels are given the first column will be scaled to the second column of the DataFrame

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – input dataframe
  • method (string) – scaling method
  • label_in (string, optional) – the column of the dataframe that should be scaled to that with label_scale default is the first column
  • label_scale (string, optional) – the column of the dataframe the label_in column should be scaled to default is the second column

df – input dataframe with new column labeled label_in+’_scaled_’+method

Return type:


pytesmo.scaling.cdf_match(src, ref, min_val=None, max_val=None, nbins=100)[source]

computes cumulative density functions of src and ref at their respective bin-edges by 5th order spline interpolation; then matches CDF of src to CDF of ref.

This function does not make sure that the percentiles are unique so it can happen that multiple measurements are scaled to one point or that there are NaN values in the output array.

  • src (numpy.array) – input dataset which will be scaled
  • ref (numpy.array) – src will be scaled to this dataset
  • min_val (float, optional) – Minimum allowed value, output data is capped at this value
  • max_val (float, optional) – Maximum allowed value, output data is capped at this value
  • nbins (int, optional) – Number of bins to use for estimation of the CDF

CDF matched values – dataset src with CDF as ref

Return type:


pytesmo.scaling.gen_cdf_match(src, perc_src, perc_ref, min_val=None, max_val=None, k=1)[source]

General cdf matching:

  1. computes discrete cumulative density functions of src- and ref at the given percentiles
  2. computes continuous CDFs by k-th order spline fitting
  3. CDF of src is matched to CDF of ref
  • src (numpy.array) – input dataset which will be scaled
  • perc_src (numpy.array) – percentiles of src
  • perc_ref (numpy.array) – percentiles of reference data estimated through method of choice, must be same size as perc_src
  • min_val (float, optional) – Minimum allowed value, output data is capped at this value
  • max_val (float, optional) – Maximum allowed value, output data is capped at this value
  • k (int, optional) – Order of spline to fit

CDF matched values – dataset src with CDF as ref

Return type:



Get scaling function based on method name.

Parameters:method (string) – method name as string
Returns:scaling_func – function(src:numpy.ndarray, ref:numpy.ndarray) > scaled_src:np.ndarray
Return type:function
Raises:KeyError: – if method is not found

Get all defined scaling methods and their function names.

Returns:lut – key: scaling method name value: function
Return type:dictionary
pytesmo.scaling.lin_cdf_match(src, ref, min_val=None, max_val=None, percentiles=[0, 5, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 95, 100])[source]

computes cumulative density functions of src and ref at their respective bin-edges by linear interpolation; then matches CDF of src to CDF of ref.

This function does not make sure that the percentiles are unique so it can happen that multiple measurements are scaled to one point or that there are NaN values in the output array.

  • src (numpy.array) – input dataset which will be scaled
  • ref (numpy.array) – src will be scaled to this dataset
  • min_val (float, optional) – Minimum allowed value, output data is capped at this value
  • max_val (float, optional) – Maximum allowed value, output data is capped at this value
  • percentiles (list or numpy.ndarray) – Percentiles to use for CDF matching

CDF matched values – dataset src with CDF as ref

Return type:


pytesmo.scaling.lin_cdf_match_stored_params(src, perc_src, perc_ref, min_val=None, max_val=None)[source]

Performs cdf matching using given percentiles.

  • src (numpy.array) – input data to scale
  • perc_src (numpy.array) – percentiles of src estimated through method of choice
  • perc_ref (numpy.array) – percentiles of reference data estimated through method of choice, must be same size as perc_src
  • min_val (float, optional) – Minimum allowed value, output data is capped at this value
  • max_val (float, optional) – Maximum allowed value, output data is capped at this value
pytesmo.scaling.linreg(src, ref)[source]

scales the input datasets using linear regression

  • src (numpy.array) – input dataset which will be scaled
  • ref (numpy.array) – src will be scaled to this dataset

scaled dataset – dataset scaled using linear regression

Return type:


pytesmo.scaling.mean_std(src, ref)[source]

scales the input datasets so that they have the same mean and standard deviation afterwards

  • src (numpy.array) – input dataset which will be scaled
  • ref (numpy.array) – src will be scaled to this dataset

scaled dataset – dataset src with same mean and standard deviation as ref

Return type:


pytesmo.scaling.min_max(src, ref)[source]

scales the input datasets so that they have the same minimum and maximum afterwards

  • src (numpy.array) – input dataset which will be scaled
  • ref (numpy.array) – src will be scaled to this dataset

scaled dataset – dataset src with same maximum and minimum as ref

Return type:


pytesmo.scaling.scale(df, method='linreg', reference_index=0)[source]

takes pandas.DataFrame and scales all columns to the column specified by reference_index with the chosen method

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – containing matched time series that should be scaled
  • method (string, optional) – method definition, has to be a function in globals() that takes 2 numpy.array as input and returns one numpy.array of same length
  • reference_index (int, optional) – default 0, column index of reference dataset in dataframe

scaled data – all time series of the input DataFrame scaled to the one specified by reference_index

Return type:


pytesmo.temporal_matching module

Provides a temporal matching function

pytesmo.temporal_matching.df_match(reference, *args, **kwds)[source]

Finds temporal match between the reference pandas.DataFrame (index has to be datetime) and n other pandas.DataFrame (index has to be datetime).

  • reference (pandas.DataFrame or pandas.TimeSeries) – The index of this dataframe will be the reference.
  • *args (pandas.DataFrame or pandas.TimeSeries) – The index of this dataframe(s) will be matched. If it is a pandas.Series then it has to have a name. Otherwise no column name can be assigned to the matched DataFrame.
  • window (float) – Fraction of days of the maximum pos./neg. distance allowed, i.e. the value of window represents the half-winow size (e.g. window=0.5, will search for matches between -12 and +12 hours) (default: None)
  • dropna (boolean) – Drop rows containing only NaNs (default: False)
  • dropduplicates (boolean) – Drop duplicated temporal matched (default: False)
  • asym_window (string, optional) – <= stands for using a smaller and equal only for the left/smaller side of the window comparison >= stands for using a larger and equal only for the right/larger side of the window comparison The default is to use <= and >= for both sides of the search window

temporal_matched_args – Dataframe with index from matched reference index

Return type:

pandas.DataFrame or tuple of pandas.DataFrame

pytesmo.temporal_matching.matching(reference, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Finds temporal match between the reference pandas.TimeSeries (index has to be datetime) and n other pandas.TimeSeries (index has to be datetime).

  • reference (pandas.TimeSeries) – The index of this Series will be the reference.
  • *args (pandas.TimeSeries) – The index of these Series(s) will be matched.
  • window (float) – Fraction of days of the maximum pos./neg. distance allowed, i.e. the value of window represents the half-winow size (e.g. window=0.5, will search for matches between -12 and +12 hours) (default: None)

temporal_match – containing the index of the reference Series and a column for each of the other input Series

Return type:


pytesmo.utils module

Module containing utility functions that do not fit into other modules

pytesmo.utils.betainc(x, a, b)[source]

Test if a element is iterable

Parameters:el (object) –
Returns:iterable – if True then then el is iterable if Fales then not
Return type:boolean

Ensure that an object is iterable by putting it into a list. Strings are handled slightly differently. They are technically iterable but we want to keep the whole.

Parameters:el (object) –
Returns:iterable – [el]
Return type:list

replace non unique values by their linear interpolated value This method interpolates iteratively like it is done in IDL.

Parameters:src (numpy.array) – array to ensure uniqueness of
Returns:src – interpolated unique values in array of same size as src
Return type:numpy.array
pytesmo.utils.ml_percentile(in_data, percentiles)[source]

Calculate percentiles in the way Matlab and IDL do it.

By using interpolation between the lowest an highest rank and the minimum and maximum outside.


perc – values of the percentiles

Return type:


pytesmo.utils.unique_percentiles_beta(perc_values, percentiles)[source]

Compute unique percentile values by fitting the CDF of a beta distribution to the percentiles.


uniq_perc_values – Unique percentile values generated through fitting the CDF of a beta distribution.

Return type:



RuntimeError – If no fit could be found.

pytesmo.utils.unique_percentiles_interpolate(perc_values, percentiles=[0, 5, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 95, 100], k=1)[source]

Try to ensure that percentile values are unique and have values for the given percentiles.

If only all the values in perc_values are the same. The array is unchanged.

  • perc_values (list or numpy.ndarray) – calculated values for the given percentiles
  • percentiles (list or numpy.ndarray) – Percentiles to use for CDF matching
  • k (int) – Degree of spline interpolation to use for filling duplicate percentile values

uniq_perc_values – Unique percentile values generated through linear interpolation over removed duplicate percentile values

Return type:


Module contents