Source code for pytesmo.temporal_matching

Provides a temporal matching function

import numpy as np
from pykdtree.kdtree import KDTree

import pandas as pd

[docs]def df_match(reference, *args, **kwds): """ Finds temporal match between the reference pandas.DataFrame (index has to be datetime) and n other pandas.DataFrame (index has to be datetime). Parameters ---------- reference : pandas.DataFrame or pandas.TimeSeries The index of this dataframe will be the reference. *args : pandas.DataFrame or pandas.TimeSeries The index of this dataframe(s) will be matched. If it is a pandas.Series then it has to have a name. Otherwise no column name can be assigned to the matched DataFrame. window : float Fraction of days of the maximum pos./neg. distance allowed, i.e. the value of window represents the half-winow size (e.g. window=0.5, will search for matches between -12 and +12 hours) (default: None) dropna : boolean Drop rows containing only NaNs (default: False) dropduplicates : boolean Drop duplicated temporal matched (default: False) asym_window: string, optional ``<=`` stands for using a smaller and equal only for the left/smaller side of the window comparison ``>=`` stands for using a larger and equal only for the right/larger side of the window comparison The default is to use <= and >= for both sides of the search window Returns ------- temporal_matched_args : pandas.DataFrame or tuple of pandas.DataFrame Dataframe with index from matched reference index """ if "window" in kwds: window = kwds['window'] else: window = None if "asym_window" in kwds: asym_window = kwds['asym_window'] else: asym_window = None temporal_matched_args = [] ref_step = reference.index.values - reference.index.values[0] for arg in args: if type(arg) is pd.Series: arg = pd.DataFrame(arg) comp_step = arg.index.values - reference.index.values[0] values = np.arange(comp_step.size) # setup kdtree which must get 2D input try: tree = KDTree(np.atleast_2d(comp_step).T, balanced_tree=False) except TypeError: # scipy before version 0.16 does not have the balanced_tree kw # but is fast in this case also without it tree = KDTree(np.atleast_2d(comp_step).T) dist, i = tree.query(np.atleast_2d(ref_step).T) matched = values[i] distance = np.zeros_like(matched, dtype=np.float) distance.fill(np.nan) valid_match = np.invert(np.isnan(matched)) distance[valid_match] = \ (arg.index.values[np.int32(matched[valid_match])] - reference.index.values[valid_match]) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') arg = arg.assign(index=arg.index.values, merge_key=np.arange(len(arg))) arg_matched = pd.DataFrame({'merge_key': matched, 'distance': distance, 'ref_index': reference.index.values}) arg_matched = arg_matched.merge(arg, on="merge_key", how="left") arg_matched.index = arg_matched['ref_index'].values arg_matched = arg_matched.sort_index() if window is not None: if asym_window is None: invalid_dist = arg_matched['distance'].abs() > window if asym_window == "<=": # this means that only distance in the interval [distance[ are # taken valid_dist = ((arg_matched['distance'] >= 0.0) & (arg_matched['distance'] <= window)) | ( (arg_matched['distance'] <= 0.0) & (arg_matched['distance'] > -window)) invalid_dist = ~valid_dist if asym_window == ">=": # this means that only distance in the interval ]distance] are # taken valid_dist = ((arg_matched['distance'] >= 0.0) & (arg_matched['distance'] < window)) | ( (arg_matched['distance'] <= 0.0) & (arg_matched['distance'] >= -window)) invalid_dist = ~valid_dist arg_matched.loc[invalid_dist] = np.nan if "dropna" in kwds and kwds['dropna']: arg_matched = arg_matched.dropna(how='all') if "dropduplicates" in kwds and kwds['dropduplicates']: arg_matched = arg_matched.dropna(how='all') g = arg_matched.groupby('merge_key') min_dists = g.distance.apply(lambda x: x.abs().idxmin()) arg_matched = arg_matched.loc[min_dists] temporal_matched_args.append( arg_matched.drop(['merge_key', 'ref_index'], axis=1)) if len(temporal_matched_args) == 1: return temporal_matched_args[0] else: return tuple(temporal_matched_args)
[docs]def matching(reference, *args, **kwargs): """ Finds temporal match between the reference pandas.TimeSeries (index has to be datetime) and n other pandas.TimeSeries (index has to be datetime). Parameters ---------- reference : pandas.TimeSeries The index of this Series will be the reference. *args : pandas.TimeSeries The index of these Series(s) will be matched. window : float Fraction of days of the maximum pos./neg. distance allowed, i.e. the value of window represents the half-winow size (e.g. window=0.5, will search for matches between -12 and +12 hours) (default: None) Returns ------- temporal_match : pandas.DataFrame containing the index of the reference Series and a column for each of the other input Series """ matched_datasets = df_match(reference, *args, dropna=True, dropduplicates=True, **kwargs) if type(matched_datasets) != tuple: matched_datasets = [matched_datasets] matched_data = pd.DataFrame(reference) for match in matched_datasets: match = match.drop(['distance', 'index'], axis=1) matched_data = matched_data.join(match) return matched_data.dropna()