Source code for pytesmo.metrics

# Copyright (c) 2015, Vienna University of Technology,
# Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation
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from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as sc_stats
from itertools import permutations,combinations

[docs]def bias(o, p): """ Difference of the mean values. Parameters ---------- o : numpy.ndarray Observations. p : numpy.ndarray Predictions. Returns ------- bias : float Bias between observations and predictions. """ return np.mean(o) - np.mean(p)
[docs]def aad(o, p): """ Average (=mean) absolute deviation (AAD). Parameters ---------- o : numpy.ndarray Observations. p : numpy.ndarray Predicitions. Returns ------- d : float Mean absolute deviation. """ return np.mean(np.abs(o - p))
[docs]def mad(o, p): """ Median absolute deviation (MAD). Parameters ---------- o : numpy.ndarray Observations. p : numpy.ndarray Predicitions. Returns ------- d : float Median absolute deviation. """ return np.median(np.abs(o - p))
[docs]def rmsd(o, p, ddof=0): """ Root-mean-square deviation (RMSD). It is implemented for an unbiased estimator, which means the RMSD is the square root of the variance, also known as the standard error. The delta degree of freedom keyword (ddof) can be used to correct for the case the true variance is unknown and estimated from the population. Concretely, the naive sample variance estimator sums the squared deviations and divides by n, which is biased. Dividing instead by n -1 yields an unbiased estimator Parameters ---------- o : numpy.ndarray Observations. p : numpy.ndarray Predictions. ddof : int, optional Delta degree of freedom.The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. By default ddof is zero. Returns ------- rmsd : float Root-mean-square deviation. """ return np.sqrt(RSS(o, p) / (len(o) - ddof))
[docs]def nrmsd(o, p, ddof=0): """ Normalized root-mean-square deviation (nRMSD). Parameters ---------- o : numpy.ndarray Observations. p : numpy.ndarray Predictions. ddof : int, optional Delta degree of freedom.The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. By default ddof is zero. Returns ------- nrmsd : float Normalized root-mean-square deviation (nRMSD). """ return rmsd(o, p, ddof) / (np.max([o, p]) - np.min([o, p]))
[docs]def ubrmsd(o, p, ddof=0): """ Unbiased root-mean-square deviation (uRMSD). Parameters ---------- o : numpy.ndarray Observations. p : numpy.ndarray Predictions. ddof : int, optional Delta degree of freedom.The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. By default ddof is zero. Returns ------- urmsd : float Unbiased root-mean-square deviation (uRMSD). """ return np.sqrt(np.sum(((o - np.mean(o)) - (p - np.mean(p))) ** 2) / (len(o) - ddof))
[docs]def mse(o, p, ddof=0): """ Mean square error (MSE) as a decomposition of the RMSD into individual error components. The MSE is the second moment (about the origin) of the error, and thus incorporates both the variance of the estimator and its bias. For an unbiased estimator, the MSE is the variance of the estimator. Like the variance, MSE has the same units of measurement as the square of the quantity being estimated. The delta degree of freedom keyword (ddof) can be used to correct for the case the true variance is unknown and estimated from the population. Concretely, the naive sample variance estimator sums the squared deviations and divides by n, which is biased. Dividing instead by n - 1 yields an unbiased estimator. Parameters ---------- o : numpy.ndarray Observations. p : numpy.ndarray Predictions. ddof : int, optional Delta degree of freedom.The divisor used in calculations is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. By default ddof is zero. Returns ------- mse : float Mean square error (MSE). mse_corr : float Correlation component of MSE. mse_bias : float Bias component of the MSE. mse_var : float Variance component of the MSE. """ mse_corr = 2 * np.std(o, ddof=ddof) * \ np.std(p, ddof=ddof) * (1 - pearsonr(o, p)[0]) mse_bias = bias(o, p) ** 2 mse_var = (np.std(o, ddof=ddof) - np.std(p, ddof=ddof)) ** 2 mse = mse_corr + mse_bias + mse_var return mse, mse_corr, mse_bias, mse_var
[docs]def tcol_error(x, y, z): """ Triple collocation error estimate of three calibrated/scaled datasets. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray 1D numpy array to calculate the errors y : numpy.ndarray 1D numpy array to calculate the errors z : numpy.ndarray 1D numpy array to calculate the errors Returns ------- e_x : float Triple collocation error for x. e_y : float Triple collocation error for y. e_z : float Triple collocation error for z. Notes ----- This function estimates the triple collocation error based on already scaled/calibrated input data. It follows formula 4 given in [Scipal2008]_. .. math:: \\sigma_{\\varepsilon_x}^2 = \\langle (x-y)(x-z) \\rangle .. math:: \\sigma_{\\varepsilon_y}^2 = \\langle (y-x)(y-z) \\rangle .. math:: \\sigma_{\\varepsilon_z}^2 = \\langle (z-x)(z-y) \\rangle where the :math:`\\langle\\rangle` brackets mean the temporal mean. References ---------- .. [Scipal2008] Scipal, K., Holmes, T., De Jeu, R., Naeimi, V., & Wagner, W. (2008). A possible solution for the problem of estimating the error structure of global soil moisture data sets. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(24), . """ e_x = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.mean((x - y) * (x - z)))) e_y = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.mean((y - x) * (y - z)))) e_z = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.mean((z - x) * (z - y)))) return e_x, e_y, e_z
[docs]def tcol_snr(x, y, z, ref_ind=0): """ triple collocation based estimation of signal-to-noise ratio, absolute errors, and rescaling coefficients Parameters ---------- x: 1D numpy.ndarray first input dataset y: 1D numpy.ndarray second input dataset z: 1D numpy.ndarray third input dataset ref_ind: int index of reference data set for estimating scaling coefficients. default: 0 (x) Returns ------- snr: numpy.ndarray signal-to-noise (variance) ratio [dB] err_std: numpy.ndarray **SCALED** error standard deviation beta: numpy.ndarray scaling coefficients (i_scaled = i * beta_i) Notes ----- This function estimates the triple collocation errors, the scaling parameter :math:`\\beta` and the signal to noise ratio directly from the covariances of the dataset. For a general overview and how this function and :py:func:`pytesmo.metrics.tcol_error` are related please see [Gruber2015]_. Estimation of the error variances from the covariances of the datasets (e.g. :math:`\\sigma_{XY}` for the covariance between :math:`x` and :math:`y`) is done using the following formula: .. math:: \\sigma_{\\varepsilon_x}^2 = \\sigma_{X}^2 - \\frac{\\sigma_{XY}\\sigma_{XZ}}{\\sigma_{YZ}} .. math:: \\sigma_{\\varepsilon_y}^2 = \\sigma_{Y}^2 - \\frac{\\sigma_{YX}\\sigma_{YZ}}{\\sigma_{XZ}} .. math:: \\sigma_{\\varepsilon_z}^2 = \\sigma_{Z}^2 - \\frac{\\sigma_{ZY}\\sigma_{ZX}}{\\sigma_{YX}} :math:`\\beta` can also be estimated from the covariances: .. math:: \\beta_x = 1 .. math:: \\beta_y = \\frac{\\sigma_{XZ}}{\\sigma_{YZ}} .. math:: \\beta_z=\\frac{\\sigma_{XY}}{\\sigma_{ZY}} The signal to noise ratio (SNR) is also calculated from the variances and covariances: .. math:: \\text{SNR}_X[dB] = -10\\log\\left(\\frac{\\sigma_{X}^2\\sigma_{YZ}}{\\sigma_{XY}\\sigma_{XZ}}-1\\right) .. math:: \\text{SNR}_Y[dB] = -10\\log\\left(\\frac{\\sigma_{Y}^2\\sigma_{XZ}}{\\sigma_{YX}\\sigma_{YZ}}-1\\right) .. math:: \\text{SNR}_Z[dB] = -10\\log\\left(\\frac{\\sigma_{Z}^2\\sigma_{XY}}{\\sigma_{ZX}\\sigma_{ZY}}-1\\right) It is given in dB to make it symmetric around zero. If the value is zero it means that the signal variance and the noise variance are equal. +3dB means that the signal variance is twice as high as the noise variance. References ---------- .. [Gruber2015] Gruber, A., Su, C., Zwieback, S., Crow, W., Dorigo, W., Wagner, W. (2015). Recent advances in (soil moisture) triple collocation analysis. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, in review """ cov = np.cov(np.vstack((x, y, z))) ind = (0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2) no_ref_ind = np.where(np.arange(3) != ref_ind)[0] snr = 10 * np.log10([((cov[i, i] * cov[ind[i + 1], ind[i + 2]]) / (cov[i, ind[i + 1]] * cov[i, ind[i + 2]]) - 1) ** (-1) for i in np.arange(3)]) err_var = np.array([ cov[i, i] - (cov[i, ind[i + 1]] * cov[i, ind[i + 2]]) / cov[ind[i + 1], ind[i + 2]] for i in np.arange(3)]) beta = np.array([cov[ref_ind, no_ref_ind[no_ref_ind != i][0]] / cov[i, no_ref_ind[no_ref_ind != i][0]] if i != ref_ind else 1 for i in np.arange(3)]) return snr, np.sqrt(err_var) * beta, beta
[docs]def check_if_biased(combs,correlated): """ Supporting function for extended collocation Checks whether the estimators are biased by checking of not too manny data sets (are assumed to have cross-correlated errors) """ for corr in correlated: for comb in combs: if (np.array_equal(comb,corr))|(np.array_equal(comb,corr[::-1])): return True return False
def ecol(data, correlated=None, err_cov=None, abs_est=True): """ Extended collocation analysis to obtain estimates of: - signal variances - error variances - signal-to-noise ratios [dB] - error cross-covariances (and -correlations) based on an arbitrary number of N>3 data sets. !!! EACH DATA SET MUST BE MEMBER OF >= 1 TRIPLET THAT FULFILLS THE CLASSICAL TRIPLE COLLOCATION ASSUMPTIONS !!! Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame Temporally matched input data sets in each column correlated : tuple of tuples (string) A tuple containing tuples of data set names (column names), between which the error cross-correlation shall be estimated. e.g. [['AMSR-E','SMOS'],['GLDAS','ERA']] estimates error cross-correlations between (AMSR-E and SMOS), and (GLDAS and ERA), respectively. err_cov : A priori known error cross-covariances that shall be included in the estimation (to obtain unbiased estimates) abs_est : Force absolute values for signal and error variance estimates (to mitiate the issue of estimation uncertainties) Returns ------- A dictionary with the following entries (<name> correspond to data set (df column's) names: - sig_<name> : signal variance of <name> - err_<name> : error variance of <name> - snr_<name> : SNR (in dB) of <name> - err_cov_<name1>_<name2> : error covariance between <name1> and <name2> - err_corr_<name1>_<name2> : error correlation between <name1> and <name2> Notes ----- Rescaling parameters can be derived from the signal variances e.g., scaling <src> against <ref>: beta = np.sqrt(sig_<ref> / sig_<src>) rescaled = (data[<src>] - data[<src>].mean()) * beta + data[<ref>].mean() Examples -------- # Just random numbers for demonstrations ds1 = np.random.normal(0,1,500) ds2 = np.random.normal(0,1,500) ds3 = np.random.normal(0,1,500) ds4 = np.random.normal(0,1,500) ds5 = np.random.normal(0,1,500) # Three data sets without cross-correlated errors: This is equivalent # to standard triple collocation. df = pd.DataFrame({'ds1':ds1,'ds2':ds2,'ds3':ds3}, index=np.arange(500)) res = ecol(df) # Five data sets, where data sets (1 and 2), and (3 and 4), are assumed # to have cross-correlated errors. df = pd.DataFrame({'ds1':ds1,'ds2':ds2,'ds3':ds3,'ds4':ds4,'ds5':ds5}, index=np.arange(500),) correlated = [['ds1','ds2'],['ds3','ds4']] res = ecol(df,correlated=correlated) References ---------- .. [Gruber2016] Gruber, A., Su, C. H., Crow, W. T., Zwieback, S., Dorigo, W. A., & Wagner, W. (2016). Estimating error cross-correlations in soil moisture data sets using extended collocation analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121(3), 1208-1219. """ data.dropna(inplace=True) cols = data.columns.values cov = data.cov() # subtract a-priori known error covariances to obtained unbiased estimates if err_cov is not None: cov[err_cov[0]][err_cov[1]] -= err_cov[2] cov[err_cov[1]][err_cov[0]] -= err_cov[2] # ----- Building up the observation vector y and the design matrix A ----- # Initial lenght of the parameter vector x: # n error variances + n signal variances n_x = 2 * len(cols) # First n elements in y: variances of all data sets y = cov.values.diagonal() # Extend y if data sets with correlated errors exist if correlated is not None: # additionally estimated in x: # k error covariances, and k cross-biased signal variances # (biased with the respective beta_i*beta_j) n_x += 2 * len(correlated) # add covariances between the correlated data sets to the y vector y = np.hstack((y, [cov[ds[0]][ds[1]] for ds in correlated])) # Generate the first part of the design matrix A (total variance = signal variance + error variance) A = np.hstack((np.matrix(np.identity(int(n_x / 2))), np.matrix(np.identity(int(n_x / 2))))).astype('int') # build up A and y components for estimating signal variances (biased with beta_i**2 only) # i.e., the classical TC based signal variance estimators cov(a,c)*cov(a,d)/cov(c,d) for col in cols: others = cols[cols != col] combs = list(combinations(others, 2)) for comb in combs: if correlated is not None: if check_if_biased([[col, comb[0]], [col, comb[1]], [comb[0], comb[1]]], correlated): continue A_line = np.zeros(n_x).astype('int') A_line[np.where(cols == col)[0][0]] = 1 A = np.vstack((A, A_line)) y = np.append(y, cov[col][comb[0]] * cov[col][comb[1]] / cov[comb[0]][comb[1]]) # build up A and y components for the cross-biased signal variabilities (with beta_i*beta_j) # i.e., the cross-biased signal variance estimators (cov(a,c)*cov(b,d)/cov(c,d)) if correlated is not None: for i in np.arange(len(correlated)): others = cols[(cols != correlated[i][0]) & (cols != correlated[i][1])] combs = list(permutations(others, 2)) for comb in combs: if check_if_biased([[correlated[i][0], comb[0]], [correlated[i][1], comb[1]], comb], correlated): continue A_line = np.zeros(n_x).astype('int') A_line[len(cols) + i] = 1 A = np.vstack((A, A_line)) y = np.append(y, cov[correlated[i][0]][comb[0]] * cov[correlated[i][1]][comb[1]] / cov[comb[0]][comb[1]]) y = np.matrix(y).T # ----- Solving for the parameter vector x ----- x = (A.T * A).I * A.T * y x = np.squeeze(np.array(x)) # ----- Building up the result dictionary ----- tags = np.hstack(('sig_' + cols, 'err_' + cols, 'snr_' + cols)) if correlated is not None: # remove the cross-biased signal variabilities (with beta_i*beta_j) as they are not useful x = np.delete(x, np.arange(len(correlated)) + len(cols)) # Derive error cross-correlations from error covariances and error variances for i in np.arange(len(correlated)): x = np.append(x, x[2 * len(cols) + i] / np.sqrt(x[len(cols) + np.where(cols == correlated[i][0])[0][0]] * x[ len(cols) + np.where(cols == correlated[i][1])[0][0]])) # add error covariances and correlations to the result dictionary tags = np.append(tags, np.array(['err_cov_' + ds[0] + '_' + ds[1] for ds in correlated])) tags = np.append(tags, np.array(['err_corr_' + ds[0] + '_' + ds[1] for ds in correlated])) # force absolute signal and error variance estimates to compensate for estimation uncertainties if abs_est is True: x[0:2 * len(cols)] = np.abs(x[0:2 * len(cols)]) # calculate and add SNRs (in decibel units) x = np.insert(x, 2 * len(cols), 10 * np.log10(x[0:len(cols)] / x[len(cols):2 * len(cols)])) return dict(zip(tags, x))
[docs]def ecol(data, correlated=None, err_cov=None, abs_est=True): """ Extended collocation analysis to obtain estimates of: - signal variances - error variances - signal-to-noise ratios [dB] - error cross-covariances (and -correlations) based on an arbitrary number of N>3 data sets. !!! EACH DATA SET MUST BE MEMBER OF >= 1 TRIPLET THAT FULFILLS THE CLASSICAL TRIPLE COLLOCATION ASSUMPTIONS !!! Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame Temporally matched input data sets in each column correlated : tuple of tuples (string) A tuple containing tuples of data set names (column names), between which the error cross-correlation shall be estimated. e.g. [['AMSR-E','SMOS'],['GLDAS','ERA']] estimates error cross-correlations between (AMSR-E and SMOS), and (GLDAS and ERA), respectively. err_cov : A priori known error cross-covariances that shall be included in the estimation (to obtain unbiased estimates) abs_est : Force absolute values for signal and error variance estimates (to mitiate the issue of estimation uncertainties) Returns ------- A dictionary with the following entries (<name> correspond to data set (df column's) names: - sig_<name> : signal variance of <name> - err_<name> : error variance of <name> - snr_<name> : SNR (in dB) of <name> - err_cov_<name1>_<name2> : error covariance between <name1> and <name2> - err_corr_<name1>_<name2> : error correlation between <name1> and <name2> Notes ----- Rescaling parameters can be derived from the signal variances e.g., scaling <src> against <ref>: beta = np.sqrt(sig_<ref> / sig_<src>) rescaled = (data[<src>] - data[<src>].mean()) * beta + data[<ref>].mean() References ---------- .. [Gruber2016] Gruber, A., Su, C. H., Crow, W. T., Zwieback, S., Dorigo, W. A., & Wagner, W. (2016). Estimating error cross-correlations in soil moisture data sets using extended collocation analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121(3), 1208-1219. """ data.dropna(inplace=True) cols = data.columns.values cov = data.cov() # subtract a-priori known error covariances to obtained unbiased estimates if err_cov is not None: cov[err_cov[0]][err_cov[1]] -= err_cov[2] cov[err_cov[1]][err_cov[0]] -= err_cov[2] # ----- Building up the observation vector y and the design matrix A ----- # Initial lenght of the parameter vector x: # n error variances + n signal variances n_x = 2 * len(cols) # First n elements in y: variances of all data sets y = cov.values.diagonal() # Extend y if data sets with correlated errors exist if correlated is not None: # additionally estimated in x: # k error covariances, and k cross-biased signal variances # (biased with the respective beta_i*beta_j) n_x += 2 * len(correlated) # add covariances between the correlated data sets to the y vector y = np.hstack((y, [cov[ds[0]][ds[1]] for ds in correlated])) # Generate the first part of the design matrix A (total variance = signal variance + error variance) A = np.hstack((np.matrix(np.identity(int(n_x / 2))), np.matrix(np.identity(int(n_x / 2))))).astype('int') # build up A and y components for estimating signal variances (biased with beta_i**2 only) # i.e., the classical TC based signal variance estimators cov(a,c)*cov(a,d)/cov(c,d) for col in cols: others = cols[cols != col] combs = list(combinations(others, 2)) for comb in combs: if correlated is not None: if check_if_biased([[col, comb[0]], [col, comb[1]], [comb[0], comb[1]]], correlated): continue A_line = np.zeros(n_x).astype('int') A_line[np.where(cols == col)[0][0]] = 1 A = np.vstack((A, A_line)) y = np.append(y, cov[col][comb[0]] * cov[col][comb[1]] / cov[comb[0]][comb[1]]) # build up A and y components for the cross-biased signal variabilities (with beta_i*beta_j) # i.e., the cross-biased signal variance estimators (cov(a,c)*cov(b,d)/cov(c,d)) if correlated is not None: for i in np.arange(len(correlated)): others = cols[(cols != correlated[i][0]) & (cols != correlated[i][1])] combs = list(permutations(others, 2)) for comb in combs: if check_if_biased([[correlated[i][0], comb[0]], [correlated[i][1], comb[1]], comb], correlated): continue A_line = np.zeros(n_x).astype('int') A_line[len(cols) + i] = 1 A = np.vstack((A, A_line)) y = np.append(y, cov[correlated[i][0]][comb[0]] * cov[correlated[i][1]][comb[1]] / cov[comb[0]][comb[1]]) y = np.matrix(y).T # ----- Solving for the parameter vector x ----- x = (A.T * A).I * A.T * y x = np.squeeze(np.array(x)) # ----- Building up the result dictionary ----- tags = np.hstack(('sig_' + cols, 'err_' + cols, 'snr_' + cols)) if correlated is not None: # remove the cross-biased signal variabilities (with beta_i*beta_j) as they are not useful x = np.delete(x, np.arange(len(correlated)) + len(cols)) # Derive error cross-correlations from error covariances and error variances for i in np.arange(len(correlated)): x = np.append(x, x[2 * len(cols) + i] / np.sqrt(x[len(cols) + np.where(cols == correlated[i][0])[0][0]] * x[ len(cols) + np.where(cols == correlated[i][1])[0][0]])) # add error covariances and correlations to the result dictionary tags = np.append(tags, np.array(['err_cov_' + ds[0] + '_' + ds[1] for ds in correlated])) tags = np.append(tags, np.array(['err_corr_' + ds[0] + '_' + ds[1] for ds in correlated])) # force absolute signal and error variance estimates to compensate for estimation uncertainties if abs_est is True: x[0:2 * len(cols)] = np.abs(x[0:2 * len(cols)]) # calculate and add SNRs (in decibel units) x = np.insert(x, 2 * len(cols), 10 * np.log10(x[0:len(cols)] / x[len(cols):2 * len(cols)])) return dict(zip(tags, x))
[docs]def nash_sutcliffe(o, p): """ Nash Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient E. The range of E lies between 1.0 (perfect fit) and -inf. Parameters ---------- o : numpy.ndarray Observations. p : numpy.ndarray Predictions. Returns ------- E : float Nash Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient E. """ return 1 - (np.sum((o - p) ** 2)) / (np.sum((o - np.mean(o)) ** 2))
[docs]def RSS(o, p): """ Residual sum of squares. Parameters ---------- o : numpy.ndarray Observations. p : numpy.ndarray Predictions. Returns ------- res : float Residual sum of squares. """ return np.sum((o - p) ** 2)
[docs]def pearsonr(o, p): """ Wrapper for scipy.stats.pearsonr. Calculates a Pearson correlation coefficient and the p-value for testing non-correlation. Parameters ---------- o : numpy.ndarray Observations. p : numpy.ndarray Predictions. Returns ------- r : float Pearson's correlation coefficent. p-value : float 2 tailed p-value. See Also -------- scipy.stats.pearsonr """ return sc_stats.pearsonr(o, p)
[docs]def pearsonr_recursive(x, y, n_old=0, sum_xi_yi=0, sum_xi=0, sum_yi=0, sum_x2=0, sum_y2=0): """ Calculate pearson correlation in a recursive manner based on .. math:: r_{xy} = \\frac{n\\sum x_iy_i-\\sum x_i\\sum y_i} {\\sqrt{n\\sum x_i^2-(\\sum x_i)^2}~\\sqrt{n\\sum y_i^2-(\\sum y_i)^2}} Parameters ---------- x: numpy.ndarray New values for x y: numpy.ndarray New values for y n_old: float, optional number of observations from previous pass sum_xi_yi: float, optional .. math:: \\sum x_iy_i from previous pass sum_xi: float, optional .. math:: \\sum x_i from previous pass sum_yi: float, optional .. math:: \\sum y_i from previous pass sum_x2: float, optional .. math:: \\sum x_i^2 from previous pass sum_y2: float, optional .. math:: \\sum y_i^2 from previous pass Returns ------- r: float Pearson correlation coefficient params: tuple tuple of (n_new, sum_xi_yi, sum_xi, sum_yi, sum_x2, sum_y2) . Can be used when calling the next iteration as ``*params``. """ n_new = n_old + len(x) sum_xi_yi = sum_xi_yi + np.sum(np.multiply(x, y)) sum_xi = sum_xi + np.sum(x) sum_yi = sum_yi + np.sum(y) sum_x2 = sum_x2 + np.sum(x**2) sum_y2 = sum_y2 + np.sum(y**2) r = ((n_new * sum_xi_yi - sum_xi * sum_yi) / (np.sqrt(n_new * sum_x2 - sum_xi**2) * np.sqrt(n_new * sum_y2 - sum_yi**2))) return r, (n_new, sum_xi_yi, sum_xi, sum_yi, sum_x2, sum_y2)
[docs]def pearson_conf(r, n, c=95): """ Calcalates the confidence interval of a given pearson correlation coefficient using a fisher z-transform, only valid for correlation coefficients calculated from a bivariate normal distribution Parameters ---------- r : float or numpy.ndarray Correlation coefficient n : int or numpy.ndarray Number of observations used in determining the correlation coefficient c : float Level of confidence in percent, from 0-100. Returns ------- r_lower : float or numpy.ndarray Lower confidence boundary. r_upper : float or numpy.ndarray Upper confidence boundary. """ # fisher z transform using the arctanh z = np.arctanh(r) # calculate the standard error std_err = 1 / np.sqrt(n - 3) # calculate the quantile of the normal distribution # for the given confidence level n_quant = 1 - (1 - c / 100.0) / 2.0 norm_z_value = sc_stats.norm.ppf(n_quant) # calculate upper and lower limit for normally distributed z z_upper = z + std_err * norm_z_value z_lower = z - std_err * norm_z_value # inverse fisher transform using the tanh return np.tanh(z_lower), np.tanh(z_upper)
[docs]def spearmanr(o, p): """ Wrapper for scipy.stats.spearmanr. Calculates a Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient and the p-value to test for non-correlation. Parameters ---------- o : numpy.ndarray Observations. p : numpy.ndarray Predictions. Returns ------- rho : float Spearman correlation coefficient p-value : float The two-sided p-value for a hypothesis test whose null hypothesis is that two sets of data are uncorrelated See Also -------- scipy.stats.spearmenr """ return sc_stats.spearmanr(o, p)
[docs]def kendalltau(o, p): """ Wrapper for scipy.stats.kendalltau Parameters ---------- o : numpy.array Observations. p : numpy.array Predictions. Returns ------- Kendall's tau : float The tau statistic p-value : float The two-sided p-palue for a hypothesis test whose null hypothesis is an absence of association, tau = 0. See Also -------- scipy.stats.kendalltau """ return sc_stats.kendalltau(o.tolist(), p.tolist())
[docs]def index_of_agreement(o, p): """ Index of agreement was proposed by Willmot (1981), to overcome the insenstivity of Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency E and R^2 to differences in the observed and predicted means and variances (Legates and McCabe, 1999). The index of agreement represents the ratio of the mean square error and the potential error (Willmot, 1984). The potential error in the denominator represents the largest value that the squared difference of each pair can attain. The range of d is similar to that of R^2 and lies between 0 (no correlation) and 1 (perfect fit). Parameters ---------- o : numpy.ndarray Observations. p : numpy.ndarray Predictions. Returns ------- d : float Index of agreement. """ denom = np.sum((np.abs(p - np.mean(o)) + np.abs(o - np.mean(o)))**2) d = 1 - RSS(o, p) / denom return d