Source code for pytesmo.validation_framework.results_manager

Created on 01.06.2015
@author: Andreea Plocon

import os
import netCDF4

from datetime import datetime

[docs]def netcdf_results_manager(results, save_path): """ Function for writing the results of the validation process as NetCDF file. Parameters ---------- results : dict of dicts Keys: Combinations of (referenceDataset.column, otherDataset.column) Values: dict containing the results from metric_calculator save_path : string Path where the file/files will be saved. """ for key in results.keys(): ds_names = ['.'.join(ds) for ds in key] fname = '_with_'.join(ds_names) + '.nc' filename = os.path.join(save_path, fname) if not os.path.exists(filename): ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, 'w') global_attr = {} s = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" global_attr['date_created'] = ncfile.setncatts(global_attr) ncfile.createDimension('dim', None) else: ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, 'a') index = len(ncfile.dimensions['dim']) for field in results[key]: if field in ncfile.variables.keys(): var = ncfile.variables[field] else: var_type = results[key][field].dtype kwargs = {'fill_value': -99999} # if dtype is a object the assumption is that the data is a # string if var_type == object: var_type = str kwargs = {} var = ncfile.createVariable(field, var_type, 'dim', **kwargs) var[index:] = results[key][field] ncfile.close()