Source code for cadati.conv_doy

# Copyright (c) 2023, TU Wien, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation
# Distributed under the MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)

Module provides functions related to day of year conversions.

import numpy as np

from cadati.jd_date import jd2cal
from cadati.np_date import dt2cal
from cadati.check_date import is_leap_year

# leap year
days_past = np.array([0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213,
                      244, 274, 305, 335, 366])

[docs]def doy(month, day, year=None): """ Calculation of day of year. If year is provided it will be tested for leap years. Parameters ---------- month : numpy.ndarray or int32 Month. day : numpy.ndarray or int32 Day. year : numpy.ndarray or int32, optional Year. Returns ------- day_of_year : numpy.ndarray or int32 Day of year. """ day_of_year = days_past[month - 1] + day if year is not None: nonleap_years = np.invert(is_leap_year(year)) day_of_year = (day_of_year - nonleap_years.astype(np.int64) + np.logical_and( day_of_year < 60, nonleap_years).astype(np.int64)) return day_of_year
def clim_jd2ts(clim, jd): """ Convert climatology array into time series array for given timestamps (expressed as julian dates). All years are interpreted as leap years (i.e. 1-366). Parameters ---------- clim : numpy.ndarray Climatology array with 366 entries. jd : numpy.float64 Timestamps in julian dates. Returns ------- ts : numpy.ndarray Climatology as time series for given time stamps. """ if clim.shape[-1] != 366: raise ValueError('Last dimension of clim array is not 366') return clim[jd2cal(jd, doy_respect_nonleap_year=False)[..., 7]-1] def clim_dt2ts(clim, dt): """ Convert climatology array into time series array for given timestamps (expressed as julian dates). All years are interpreted as leap years (i.e. 1-366). Parameters ---------- clim : numpy.ndarray Climatology array with 366 entries. dt : numpy.datetime64 Time stamps in numpy.datetime64 dates. Returns ------- ts : numpy.ndarray Climatology as time series for given time stamps. """ if clim.shape[-1] != 366: raise ValueError('Last dimension of clim array is not 366') return clim[dt2cal(dt, doy_respect_nonleap_year=False)[..., 7]-1]