Source code for pytesmo.metrics.tcol

Triple collocation metrics.

To avoid recalculation of the covariance matrix, all metrics are calculated
inside :py:func:`tcol_metrics`. Bootstrapped CIs can be obtained with

Bootstrapping is currently not available for extended TCA.

from itertools import permutations, combinations
import numpy as np

[docs]@np.errstate(invalid="ignore") def tcol_metrics(x, y, z, ref_ind=0): """ Triple collocation based estimation of signal-to-noise ratio, absolute errors, and rescaling coefficients Parameters ---------- x: 1D numpy.ndarray first input dataset y: 1D numpy.ndarray second input dataset z: 1D numpy.ndarray third input dataset ref_ind: int Index of reference data set for estimating scaling coefficients. Default: 0 (x) Returns ------- snr: numpy.ndarray signal-to-noise (variance) ratio [dB] err_std: numpy.ndarray **SCALED** error standard deviation beta: numpy.ndarray scaling coefficients (i_scaled = i * beta_i) Notes ----- This function estimates the triple collocation errors, the scaling parameter :math:`\\beta` and the signal to noise ratio directly from the covariances of the dataset. For a general overview and how this function and :py:func:`pytesmo.metrics.tcol_error` are related please see [Gruber2015]_. Estimation of the error variances from the covariances of the datasets (e.g. :math:`\\sigma_{XY}` for the covariance between :math:`x` and :math:`y`) is done using the following formula: .. math:: \\sigma_{\\varepsilon_x}^2 = \\sigma_{X}^2 - \\frac{\\sigma_{XY}\\sigma_{XZ}}{\\sigma_{YZ}} .. math:: \\sigma_{\\varepsilon_y}^2 = \\sigma_{Y}^2 - \\frac{\\sigma_{YX}\\sigma_{YZ}}{\\sigma_{XZ}} .. math:: \\sigma_{\\varepsilon_z}^2 = \\sigma_{Z}^2 - \\frac{\\sigma_{ZY}\\sigma_{ZX}}{\\sigma_{YX}} :math:`\\beta` can also be estimated from the covariances: .. math:: \\beta_x = 1 .. math:: \\beta_y = \\frac{\\sigma_{XZ}}{\\sigma_{YZ}} .. math:: \\beta_z=\\frac{\\sigma_{XY}}{\\sigma_{ZY}} The signal to noise ratio (SNR) is also calculated from the variances and covariances: .. math:: \\text{SNR}_X[dB] = -10\\log\\left(\\frac{\\sigma_{X}^2\\sigma_{YZ}} {\\sigma_{XY}\\sigma_{XZ}}-1\\right) .. math:: \\text{SNR}_Y[dB] = -10\\log\\left(\\frac{\\sigma_{Y}^2\\sigma_{XZ}} {\\sigma_{YX}\\sigma_{YZ}}-1\\right) .. math:: \\text{SNR}_Z[dB] = -10\\log\\left(\\frac{\\sigma_{Z}^2\\sigma_{XY}} {\\sigma_{ZX}\\sigma_{ZY}}-1\\right) It is given in dB to make it symmetric around zero. If the value is zero it means that the signal variance and the noise variance are equal. +3dB means that the signal variance is twice as high as the noise variance. References ---------- .. [Gruber2015] Gruber, A., Su, C., Zwieback, S., Crow, W., Dorigo, W.,\ Wagner, W. (2015). Recent advances in (soil moisture) triple\ collocation analysis. International Journal of Applied Earth\ Observation and Geoinformation, in review """ cov = np.cov(np.vstack((x, y, z))) return _tcol_metrics_from_cov(cov, ref_ind)
def _tcol_metrics_from_cov(cov, ref_ind=0): """ Calculate TCA metrics from pre-computed covariance matrix """ ind = (0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2) no_ref_ind = np.where(np.arange(3) != ref_ind)[0] # we have to take the absolute value of the ratio of covariances and of the # full difference according to Gruber et al. 2020, Eq. 11 snr = 10 * np.log10( [ np.abs( np.abs((cov[i, i] * cov[ind[i + 1], ind[i + 2]]) / (cov[i, ind[i + 1]] * cov[i, ind[i + 2]])) - 1 ) ** (-1) for i in np.arange(3) ] ) err_var = np.array( [ cov[i, i] - (cov[i, ind[i + 1]] * cov[i, ind[i + 2]]) / cov[ind[i + 1], ind[i + 2]] for i in np.arange(3) ] ) beta = np.array( [ cov[ref_ind, no_ref_ind[no_ref_ind != i][0]] / cov[i, no_ref_ind[no_ref_ind != i][0]] if i != ref_ind else 1 for i in np.arange(3) ] ) return snr, np.sqrt(err_var) * beta, beta
[docs]def check_if_biased(combs, correlated): """ Supporting function for extended collocation Checks whether the estimators are biased by checking of not too manny data sets (are assumed to have cross-correlated errors) """ for corr in correlated: for comb in combs: if (np.array_equal(comb, corr)) | ( np.array_equal(comb, corr[::-1]) ): return True return False
[docs]def ecol(data, correlated=None, err_cov=None, abs_est=True): """ Extended collocation analysis to obtain estimates of: - signal variances - error variances - signal-to-noise ratios [dB] - error cross-covariances (and -correlations) based on an arbitrary number of N>3 data sets. **EACH DATA SET MUST BE MEMBER OF >= 1 TRIPLET THAT FULFILLS THE CLASSICAL TRIPLE COLLOCATION ASSUMPTIONS** Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame Temporally matched input data sets in each column correlated : tuple of tuples (string) A tuple containing tuples of data set names (column names), between which the error cross-correlation shall be estimated. e.g. [['AMSR-E','SMOS'],['GLDAS','ERA']] estimates error cross-correlations between (AMSR-E and SMOS), and (GLDAS and ERA), respectively. err_cov : A priori known error cross-covariances that shall be included in the estimation (to obtain unbiased estimates) abs_est : Force absolute values for signal and error variance estimates (to mitiate the issue of estimation uncertainties) Returns ------- A dictionary with the following entries (<name> correspond to data set (df column's) names: - sig_<name> : signal variance of <name> - err_<name> : error variance of <name> - snr_<name> : SNR (in dB) of <name> - err_cov_<name1>_<name2> : error covariance between <name1> and <name2> - err_corr_<name1>_<name2> : error correlation between <name1> and <name2> Notes ----- Rescaling parameters can be derived from the signal variances e.g., scaling <src> against <ref>: beta = np.sqrt(sig_<ref> / sig_<src>) rescaled = (data[<src>] - data[<src>].mean()) * beta + data[<ref>].mean() Examples -------- .. code-block:: # Just random numbers for demonstrations ds1 = np.random.normal(0,1,500) ds2 = np.random.normal(0,1,500) ds3 = np.random.normal(0,1,500) ds4 = np.random.normal(0,1,500) ds5 = np.random.normal(0,1,500) # Three data sets without cross-correlated errors: This is equivalent # to standard triple collocation. df = pd.DataFrame({'ds1':ds1,'ds2':ds2,'ds3':ds3}, index=np.arange(500)) res = ecol(df) # Five data sets, where data sets (1 and 2), and (3 and 4), are assumed # to have cross-correlated errors. df = pd.DataFrame({'ds1':ds1,'ds2':ds2,'ds3':ds3,'ds4':ds4,'ds5':ds5}, index=np.arange(500),) correlated = [['ds1','ds2'],['ds3','ds4']] res = ecol(df,correlated=correlated) References ---------- .. [Gruber2016] Gruber, A., Su, C. H., Crow, W. T., Zwieback, S., Dorigo,\ W. A., & Wagner, W. (2016). Estimating error cross-correlations in soil\ moisture data sets using extended collocation analysis. Journal of\ Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121(3), 1208-1219. """ data.dropna(inplace=True) cols = data.columns.values cov = data.cov() # subtract a-priori known error covariances to obtained unbiased estimates if err_cov is not None: cov[err_cov[0]][err_cov[1]] -= err_cov[2] cov[err_cov[1]][err_cov[0]] -= err_cov[2] # ----- Building up the observation vector y and the design matrix A ----- # Initial lenght of the parameter vector x: # n error variances + n signal variances n_x = 2 * len(cols) # First n elements in y: variances of all data sets y = cov.values.diagonal() # Extend y if data sets with correlated errors exist if correlated is not None: # additionally estimated in x: # k error covariances, and k cross-biased signal variances # (biased with the respective beta_i*beta_j) n_x += 2 * len(correlated) # add covariances between the correlated data sets to the y vector y = np.hstack((y, [cov[ds[0]][ds[1]] for ds in correlated])) # Generate the first part of the design matrix A (total variance = signal # variance + error variance) A = np.hstack( ( np.matrix(np.identity(int(n_x / 2))), np.matrix(np.identity(int(n_x / 2))), ) ).astype("int") # build up A and y components for estimating signal variances (biased with # beta_i**2 only) # i.e., the classical TC based signal variance estimators # cov(a,c)*cov(a,d)/cov(c,d) for col in cols: others = cols[cols != col] combs = list(combinations(others, 2)) for comb in combs: if correlated is not None: if check_if_biased( [[col, comb[0]], [col, comb[1]], [comb[0], comb[1]]], correlated, ): continue A_line = np.zeros(n_x).astype("int") A_line[np.where(cols == col)[0][0]] = 1 A = np.vstack((A, A_line)) y = np.append( y, cov[col][comb[0]] * cov[col][comb[1]] / cov[comb[0]][comb[1]], ) # build up A and y components for the cross-biased signal variabilities # (with beta_i*beta_j) # i.e., the cross-biased signal variance estimators # (cov(a,c)*cov(b,d)/cov(c,d)) if correlated is not None: for i in np.arange(len(correlated)): others = cols[ (cols != correlated[i][0]) & (cols != correlated[i][1]) ] combs = list(permutations(others, 2)) for comb in combs: if check_if_biased( [ [correlated[i][0], comb[0]], [correlated[i][1], comb[1]], comb, ], correlated, ): continue A_line = np.zeros(n_x).astype("int") A_line[len(cols) + i] = 1 A = np.vstack((A, A_line)) y = np.append( y, cov[correlated[i][0]][comb[0]] * cov[correlated[i][1]][comb[1]] / cov[comb[0]][comb[1]], ) y = np.matrix(y).T # ----- Solving for the parameter vector x ----- x = (A.T * A).I * A.T * y x = np.squeeze(np.array(x)) # ----- Building up the result dictionary ----- tags = np.hstack(("sig_" + cols, "err_" + cols, "snr_" + cols)) if correlated is not None: # remove the cross-biased signal variabilities (with beta_i*beta_j) as # they are not useful x = np.delete(x, np.arange(len(correlated)) + len(cols)) # Derive error cross-correlations from error covariances and error # variances for i in np.arange(len(correlated)): x = np.append( x, x[2 * len(cols) + i] / np.sqrt( x[len(cols) + np.where(cols == correlated[i][0])[0][0]] * x[len(cols) + np.where(cols == correlated[i][1])[0][0]] ), ) # add error covariances and correlations to the result dictionary tags = np.append( tags, np.array(["err_cov_" + ds[0] + "_" + ds[1] for ds in correlated]), ) tags = np.append( tags, np.array(["err_corr_" + ds[0] + "_" + ds[1] for ds in correlated]), ) # force absolute signal and error variance estimates to compensate for # estimation uncertainties if abs_est is True: x[0:(2 * len(cols))] = np.abs(x[0:(2 * len(cols))]) # calculate and add SNRs (in decibel units) x = np.insert( x, 2 * len(cols), 10 * np.log10(x[0:len(cols)] / x[len(cols):(2 * len(cols))]), ) return dict(zip(tags, x))