
Submodules module

Created on Mar 19, 2014

@author: Christoph Paulik

class, filename_templ='', sub_path=None, grid=None, exact_templ=True)[source]

Bases: object

Dateset base class that implements basic functions and also abstract methods that have to be implemented by child classes.

  • path (string) – Path to dataset.

  • filename_templ (string) – template of how datetimes fit into the filename. e.g. “” will be translated into the filename for the date 2007-01-01.

  • sub_path (string or list optional) – if given it is used to generate a sub path from the given timestamp. This is useful if files are sorted by year or month. If a list is one subfolder per item is assumed. This can be used if the files for May 2007 are e.g. in folders 2007/05/ then the list [‘%Y’, ‘%m’] works.

  • grid (pytesmo.grid.grids.BasicGrid of CellGrid instance, optional) – Grid on which all the images of the dataset are stored. This is not relevant for datasets that are stored e.g. in orbit geometry

  • exact_templ (boolean, optional) – if True then the filename_templ matches the filename exactly. If False then the filename_templ will be used in glob to find the file.

daily_images(day, **kwargs)[source]

Yield all images for a day.


day ( –


  • data (dict) – dictionary of numpy arrays that hold the image data for each variable of the dataset

  • metadata (dict) – dictionary of numpy arrays that hold metadata

  • timestamp (datetime.datetime) – exact timestamp of the image

  • lon (numpy.array or None) – array of longitudes, if None self.grid will be assumed

  • lat (numpy.array or None) – array of latitudes, if None self.grid will be assumed

  • jd (string or None) – name of the field in the data array representing the observation dates

iter_images(start_date, end_date, **kwargs)[source]

Yield all images for a given date range.


  • data (dict) – dictionary of numpy arrays that hold the image data for each variable of the dataset

  • metadata (dict) – dictionary of numpy arrays that hold the metadata

  • timestamp (datetime.datetime) – exact timestamp of the image

  • lon (numpy.array or None) – array of longitudes, if None self.grid will be assumed

  • lat (numpy.array or None) – array of latitudes, if None self.grid will be assumed

  • time_var (string or None) – variable name of observation times in the data dict, if None all observations have the same timestamp

read_img(timestamp, **kwargs)[source]

Return an image if a specific datetime is given.


timestamp (datetime.datetime) – Time stamp.


  • data (dict) – dictionary of numpy arrays that hold the image data for each variable of the dataset

  • metadata (dict) – dictionary of numpy arrays that hold the metadata

  • timestamp (datetime.datetime) – exact timestamp of the image

  • lon (numpy.array or None) – array of longitudes, if None self.grid will be assumed

  • lat (numpy.array or None) – array of latitudes, if None self.grid will be assumed

  • time_var (string or None) – variable name of observation times in the data dict, if None all observations have the same timestamp

tstamps_for_daterange(start_date, end_date)[source]

Return all valid timestamps in a given date range. This method must be implemented if iteration over images should be possible.


dates – list of datetimes

Return type


class, grid)[source]

Bases: object

Dataset base class for arrays that do have a grid associated with them but are not image time series.

  • filename (string) – path and filename of file to load

  • grid (pytesmo.BasicGrid or similar grid definition class) – defines the grid on which the dataset is stored

abstract read_data()[source]

Reads the data and returns it as a dictionary of numpy arrays.


data – dictionary of numpy arrays

Return type


read_gp(gpi, **kwargs)[source]

Reads data record for a given grid point index(gpi)


gpi (int) – grid point index


data – data record.

Return type

dict of values

read_pos(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Takes either 1 or 2 arguments and calls the correct function which is either reading the gpi directly or finding the nearest gpi from given lat,lon coordinates and then reading it

class, grid)[source]

Bases: object

Dateset base class that implements basic functions and also abstract methods that have to be implemented by child classes.

  • path (string) – Path to dataset.

  • grid (pytesmo.grid.grids.BasicGrid of CellGrid instance) – Grid on which the time series data is stored.

get_nearest_gp_info(lon, lat)[source]

get info for nearest grid point

  • lon (float) – Longitude coordinate.

  • lat (float) – Latitude coordinate.


  • gpi (int) – Grid point index of nearest grid point.

  • gp_lon (float) – Lontitude coordinate of nearest grid point.

  • gp_lat (float) – Latitude coordinate of nearest grid point.

  • gp_dist (float) – Geodetic distance to nearest grid point.


Yield all time series for a grid or for grid points in a given lon/lat bound box (ll_bbox).


ll_bbox (tuple of floats (latmin, latmax, lonmin, lonmax)) – Set to lon/lat bounding box to yield only points in that area.


data – pandas.DateFrame with DateTimeIndex

Return type


abstract read_gp(gpi, **kwargs)[source]

Reads time series for a given grid point index(gpi)


gpi (int) – grid point index


data – pandas.DateFrame with DateTimeIndex

Return type


read_ts(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Takes either 1 or 2 arguments and calls the correct function which is either reading the gpi directly or finding the nearest gpi from given lat,lon coordinates and then reading it

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