Source code for pytesmo.colormaps.load_cmap

Module to load color maps from json files.
This module is deprecated and will be removed soon.
Please use the colorella package instead:
To install colorella, run 'pip install colorella'

import as cm
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import os
import json
import glob
from pytesmo.utils import deprecated

[docs]@deprecated() def colormaps_path(): """Returns application's default path for storing user-defined colormaps""" return os.path.dirname(__file__)
[docs]@deprecated() def get_system_colormaps(): """Returns the list of colormaps that ship with matplotlib""" return [m for m in cm.datad]
[docs]@deprecated() def get_user_colormaps(cmap_fldr=colormaps_path()): """Returns a list of user-defined colormaps in the specified folder (defaults to standard colormaps folder if not specified).""" user_colormaps = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cmap_fldr): files = glob.glob(root + "/*.cmap") for name in files: with open(os.path.join(root, name), "r") as fidin: cmap_dict = json.load(fidin) user_colormaps.append(cmap_dict.get("name", name)) return user_colormaps
[docs]@deprecated() def load_colormap(json_file): """Generates and returns a matplotlib colormap from the specified JSON file, or None if the file was invalid.""" colormap = None with open(json_file, "r") as fidin: cmap_dict = json.load(fidin) if cmap_dict.get("colors", None) is None: return colormap colormap_type = cmap_dict.get("type", "linear") colormap_name = cmap_dict.get("name", os.path.basename(json_file)) if colormap_type == "linear": colormap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( name=colormap_name, colors=cmap_dict["colors"] ) elif colormap_type == "list": colormap = colors.ListedColormap( name=colormap_name, colors=cmap_dict["colors"] ) return colormap
[docs]@deprecated() def load(cmap_name, cmap_folder=colormaps_path()): """Returns the matplotlib colormap of the specified name - if not found in the predefined colormaps, searches for the colormap in the specified folder (defaults to standard colormaps folder if not specified).""" cmap_name_user = cmap_name + ".cmap" user_colormaps = get_user_colormaps(cmap_folder) system_colormaps = get_system_colormaps() if cmap_name_user in user_colormaps: cmap_file = os.path.join(cmap_folder, cmap_name_user) cmap = load_colormap(cmap_file) elif cmap_name in system_colormaps: return cm.get_cmap(cmap_name) else: raise ValueError("Colormap not found") return cmap