pytesmo.colormaps.load_cmap module

Module to load color maps from json files. This module is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use the colorella package instead: Website: To install colorella, run ‘pip install colorella’


Returns application’s default path for storing user-defined colormaps


Returns the list of colormaps that ship with matplotlib


Returns a list of user-defined colormaps in the specified folder (defaults to standard colormaps folder if not specified).

pytesmo.colormaps.load_cmap.load(cmap_name, cmap_folder='/home/docs/checkouts/')[source]

Returns the matplotlib colormap of the specified name - if not found in the predefined colormaps, searches for the colormap in the specified folder (defaults to standard colormaps folder if not specified).


Generates and returns a matplotlib colormap from the specified JSON file, or None if the file was invalid.